Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Show Me!!

My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You. Job 42:5
(I have to say thank you to my niece/sister in Christ, Terri because our conversation earlier reminded me of this verse and lead me to this post)

            How many of you watched that movie Jerry Maguire? The famous scene where he is screaming “Show me the money!!!” or when you were younger and you told your friend that you could do or you had something really cool and they would say “Prove it, show me!” We always want proof, we want to be able to see something to believe it. I am reading a book right now called “A Voice in The Wind” (thank you to my sweet friend Jennifer for recommending it) anyway, this book is set in the first century and is about a young girl who is an early Christian. She has been taken as a slave for a Roman family and the one thing that keeps standing out to me in this book is that they mock the Jews for praying and believing in an “invisible god.” This was a bit confusing for me since the Romans believed in multiple gods but then I realized that their pagan gods were actual physical idols that they prayed to and worshiped which is why they thought it was ridiculous to worship an “invisible god” I also often times see atheists derogatorily refer to God as “the invisible man in the sky.” It’s easy to find reasons to not believe in something you can’t see. What nonbelievers don’t seem to understand is that God is not invisible, God is very visible to those who have opened their mind, heart, and eyes to see Him.
            God is visible through his work in us and in our lives! He does incredible things that nonbelievers write off as coincidence or scientific nature because they don’t want to believe that it could be the Almighty Father. I will never understand how anyone can give birth and not believe in God. God has shown us He is here, He has shown the world on a grand scale that He is here; just look at the beauty and majesty of the Grand Canyon for example, and He has shown us on our own individual levels that He is here, I have personally seen His work in my life in just the littlest of things, things like finally figuring out how to pay those few bills that just don’t fit in the right time of the month after surrendering our finances to Him, or having the same Bible verse come up and press into my heart over and over again in different places and at different times. Those are all God’s way of saying “See me, I am here with you” 
In my classroom right now we have 5 chrysalises, last week we had 5 caterpillars, and any day now we will have 5 butterflies, these little creatures are going through an amazing metamorphosis, and my students are witnessing it happen right in front of their very eyes. That same metamorphosis happens to us when we become a Christian or renew our faith in Christ. I know it’s happening to me right now! I’m changing; I’m in my chrysalis stage as God molds me into the woman He wants me to be.
            In my focus verse for today, which came from one of my devotionals, it reminds me that all of us have heard of God, but, like Job we can also SEE Him through the changes He is making in each and every one of us. I think we are all in either our caterpillar or chrysalis stages right now, as we learn and grow and soak up the wisdom in God’s word. As we grow bigger and bigger and shed our old sinners “skin” we get closer and closer to becoming God’s beautiful butterflies. Look for Him in the big things and the little things in your life. He will show Himself to you often if you just open your heart to see Him. I would love to read in the comment section about how God is showing Himself to you today or this week. 

Father God, I thank you for showing Yourself to us everyday, I thank you Father for allows us to see You and your work in our lives. Father I praise you for all You have done for me and my family. Father, I pray that when people want to say “prove it” or “show me” when it comes to believing in You, they can simply look at me and be able to see You shining in my life and have no doubts about who they are seeing. Father I ask that you touch each and every person who is reading this right now and I ask that You show them Your love so that they will know that you are not invisible but a very visible and present loving Father. In Jesus’ holy name I pray,  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Romans 1:20
    For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

    WOW! Cindy that is not me that inspired you!(but thanks) That is the precious HOLY SPIRIT who is all over you!

    This week has been challenging for me with my boss and as God brings me closer to him he is reminding me I don't need to react to her wrong treatment to me! This is very hard I want to defendd myself. He is already opening the door to a new job, but in the meantime while he is working out all the details I need to maintain and be the Bigger person! See as you said above as I grow "bigger and bigger" in him he will make me beautiful! I do see him using this situation to mold me and make me more Christ like. Lord, Please help my mouth and emotions when I want to defend you. YOu don't need me to fight. YOu are my defender. I need to walk in Your Confidence! Thank you Jesus for loving us so much. In Jesus Name, Amen
